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Limited time: Meal plans starting at $99 with code SAVE30 details


Order today and get 50% off your first week of easy, convenient and proven weight loss!

1. Customize your plan

My Age

Days of Meals per week

Get our High-Protein program! Add Hearty Inspirations meals, packed with up to 30g protein.

2. Purchase options

Get 50% off your first week with convenient shipments delivered every 14 days

Save even more when you pre-pay:

green delivery truck

Free shipping when you pay for 2 or more shipments

Price per day:

${{ getFormattedPrice(selectedPrice / 2) }}

Full Price:

${{ getFormattedPrice((planPrices[planPriceSelected].listprice != null ? planPrices[planPriceSelected].listprice : planPrices[planPriceSelected].baseprice) / 100) }}

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-${{ getFormattedPrice(planPrices[planPriceSelected].discount/100) }}

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-${{ getFormattedPrice(promoApplied.discountAmount/100) }}

Your 2-Shipment Price:


Price Per Week:


Price Per Day:


Today’s Price:

${{getFormattedPrice(planPrices.autodelivery_Prices.discounted_price/100) }}

Add 28 Protein Shakes
Save $40


Frequently Asked Questions

For women of all ages:

  • 7 in 7: First week of weight loss with preselected frozen menu choices along with Fat Burning Bars and Hunger Control Shakes.
  • Nutrisystem meals 5 or 7 days a week, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks.
  • Grab-and-go meals and snacks that are pantry-ready and perfect for eating on-the-go.

Top-rated frozen meals and snacks, including our most popular heat-and-eat meals and even ice cream!.

Recommended: Add Hearty Inspirations®! You’ll get all of the above plus bigger, high-protein Hearty Inspirations® dinners packed with up to 30g protein starting week two.

For women ages 50 & over:

  • Specially designed plan for women ages 50 and over to help reduce the symptoms of menopause and reduce harmful belly fat by 8% in your first month.
  • Nutrisystem meals 5 or 7 days a week, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks.
  • Grab-and-go meals and snacks that are pantry-ready and perfect for eating on-the-go.
  • Top-rated frozen meals and snacksincluding our most popular heat-and-eat meals and even ice cream!

Recommended: Add Hearty Inspirations®! You’ll get all of the above plus bigger, high-protein Hearty Inspirations® dinners packed with up to 30g protein starting week two.

Included for both options:

Top-Rated Tools to Support Your Weight Loss Stay on track to reach your goals with our official companion app, NuMi®. Plus, get access to personal coaching, step-by-step resource guides and thousands of healthy recipes for added flavor and variety!

Add a month of hunger control shakes to either option and get 50% off at checkout. Control hunger up to 3 hours* with protein-packed ProSync shakes. Get 28 servings in your choice of flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla or both!

Note: If you select 5 days a week, you’ll incorporate “Flex” meals throughout each week. With Flex meals, you can make a healthy meal at home or go out to eat! We’ll provide the guidelines and recipes to prepare two Flex breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks each week.

*In a study, avg. time was 2.9 hrs.